Big business has long separated IT and cybersecurity... 

you should too.

3 ways we are dedicated to this truth.

Separation of Duties

If the IT department is managing  cybersecurity... that's a problem. IT needs to be accountable to a trusted third-party.

Focused on Security

IT is focused on day-to-day issues and the emergencies that come up. Cybersecurity is focused on the threats that can take you down.

In-depth Audits and Playbook

The Ethix IT Security Scorecard is a comprehensive analysis of your IT security as compared to industry best practices.

At Ethix IT Security... We believe that IT security should be managed by a trusted third-party team who is focused on cybersecurity and threat monitoring.


Separation of duties

IT and cybersecurity have conflicting goals. IT wants to make it faster, slicker and more convenient. Cybersecurity needs to double-check it, understand implications and apply controls to it. They should work closely together but be different resources.

Keep cybersecurity separate from IT


Focused on security

IT support is doing important work but often gets bogged down in resolving day-to-day issues, maintaining metrics and dealing with emergencies. These things take away from the crucial task of threat management. If IT is managing cybersecurity, security will take a back seat.

Help Desk Dashboard

Help Desk Dashboard


In-depth Security Scorecard and Playbook

Security audits abound but not all are created equally. Many companies simply run automated scripts and provide a branded report to be used as a sales tool. What is needed is a thorough audit that will delve into every area of your business where threats can appear. 

Also, most IT firms do not have curated security playbooks designed by cybersecurity specialists. However, this is required to stay ahead of the curve in cybersecurity.

What is the most important thing?

IT issues will always be there, and there will always be help to assist with them. However, we believe that THE most important thing we can do to help small business with IT, is to keep them safe on the Internet. We believe it so strongly that cybersecurity services are the only services we offer. Ethix chooses to focus entirely on security and threat management. We provide oversight to keep your IT team accountable and your technology secure. Ahead-of-the-curve is where you need to be with IT security, so you can sleep tight knowing you are not low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals. Our comprehensive Security Scorecard is what you need to take you there.

Stay safe and keep the bad guys out!